American Legion Riders suited up early on Day 5 of the cross country American Legion Legacy Scholarship Run from Indianapolis to Phoenix. The Riders are shown in the pre-dawn hours west of Gallup, New Mexico.
American Legion Riders descend into the scenic Salt River Canyon between Snowflake and Globe Arizona near the end of a 1,800 mile journey from Indianapolis to Phoenix where The American Legion holds its 90th National Convention.
Marilyn Chom's polyester ponytail whips in the breeze as she rides between Gallup, New Mexico and Phoenix, Ariz,. on Day 5 of The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Run. Chow is a member of the Mt. Clemens Legion Post in Michigan.
"Uncle" Dick Woods, road captain for the third-annual American Legion Legacy Scholarship Run, gives the thumbs up at the end of the 1,800 mile motorcycle ride from Indianapolis Post 64 to Phoenix Post 2. More than 300 American Legion Riders participated in the cross-country ride to raise money for college scholarships for children of military member who have died in the war on terrorism.
God's speed my brothers and sisters! Please remember that your brothers are riding with you either in heart or above you.
Robert D. King (Grunt)
ALR Post 23
Sanger Ca.
Sargent At Arms
God's speed my brothers and sisters! Please remember that your brothers are riding with you either in heart or above you.
Robert D. King (Grunt)
ALR Post 23
Sanger Ca.
Sargent At Arms
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