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The American Legion Legacy Run

Indianapolis - Louisville
August 18-23, 2009

Riding for the children of fallen heroes.

An online gathering of American Legion Riders and others interested in the annual American Legion Legacy Run. Click on the "Post a Comment" link following the articles below and join in the discussion!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pictures from DAY 1

American Legion National Commander Marty Conatser gives the more than 200 American legion Riders a pep talk at a kickoff breakfast Aug. 17 for the third annual Legacy Scholarship Run. The riders are traveling 1,800 miles from Indianapolis, Ind., to Phoenix, Ariz. to raise money for scholarships to children of active duty military men and women who have lost their lives in the war against terrorism.

Mike Kayler, an American Legion Speedway, Post 500 members direct American Legion Riders in the predawn hours August 17 to their assigned flights at Indianapolis Post 64 - the kickoff point for an 1,800 mile Legacy Scholarship ride to Phoenix.

American Legion Rider Rick Hirsch rides his handcrafted tricycle across illinois Aug 17 from Indianapolis to his home post 331 in St. Robert, Mo., during the third annual American Legion Legacy Scholarship ride. The tricycle is powered by a VW motor.

Indianapolis Post 64 member Harry Greene prepares eggs for American Legion Riders prior to the start of their 1,800 mile American Legion Legacy Scholarship Ride from Indianapolis to Phoenix.

More than 200 American Legion Riders prepare for their American Legion Legacy Scholarship Ride from Indianapolis to Phoenix in the early morning Aug. 17.

The lead flight of American Legion Riders complete the first leg of the third annual American Legion Legacy Scholarship Ride from Indianapolis to Phoenix Aug. 17. At the end of the first day, they arrived in St. Robert, Mo., with more than $168,000 in donations.

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