Thursday, August 28, 2008
Another Legacy Run Blog (Kansas style!)
There are some great pictures!
Flamingo Tina
I for one am proud to have ridden with all the Legion Riders on the ride and I'm proud to be a member of the American Legion Riders, representing Unit 356, of the American Legion Auxiliary, Lynn Haven, FL.
I made a new Group on Flickr called Legacy Run to post photos you took of the run. Feel free to add your pictures so we can share! It's a public group you just need a Yahoo ID.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Final Legacy Ride Video
Here is the final Legacy Ride video I produced for the convention and showed to the group yesterday.
It was a pleasure to document this ride and applaud the Legion Rider's effort in raising money for the children of our fallen heros. Bravo.
Event Videographer
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The American Legion National Convention is online virtually live on “Legion TV” at our national website below ( Click on the main page links to see the opening ceremony as well as videos of the entire national convention as it unfolds today through Thursday.
Don’t miss the final tally for 2008 for The American Legion Legacy Run as Commander Conatser accepts the last of the Run donations on stage from your fellow Legion Riders. That video is available now (it began running after only a twenty minute delay from Phoenix).
--Bill AWACS Sloan
Sunday, August 24, 2008
2008 Legacy Ride Video Pt.2
We made it to Phoenix safe and sound. What a beautiful ride through Arizona. If you get the chance to drive highway 60 through Snowflake, AZ to Globe, AZ - you'll see some of the prettiest scenery in the west.
Great job to all riders. See you all next year!
Event Videographer
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday, August 22, Phoenix Convention Center
Our last ride meeting with 'Uncle' Dick Woods, as well as our last prayer (which is how we started each day).
There to meet us was National Commander Conatser, National Auxiliary President Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan, and the Son's National Commander would have been there but was kept from convention due to ill health.
Commander Conaster took donations from many, many Legion Riders standing in the hot Phoenix sun but it was all worth it. According to the calculations, the amount of money raised for the Legacy Scholarship Fund - just on the ride - is $320,000.00. We all certainly worked hard to raise this money and can't wait to hear how much more money is donated during Convention.
The Riders had a meeting at 11:00 am where issues were discussed about next year's ride, etc. If anyone has ideas for the ride next year email He is the Dept of Illinois Adjutant but is also one of the National Legion Rider Coordinators. Some want to have regional rides terminate in Indy then ride together to Louisville. Others want a nice 1200-1800 mile ride (something scenic) that ends in Louisville. We have to keep this momentum going. Riding together on a long ride with a common goal is just too good.
Following the meeting, Mike and I were lucky enough to meet Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known as America's Toughest Sheriff!! He was there to recognize the Arizona Riders and their Liberty Bell.
Some Riders will be staying for Convention as delegates, some will be staying just to be there, some have already left, and some will be leaving tomorrow. It is always sad when the ride comes to an end.
As Tom Haines said last night - Our goals for this ride was to Promote the American Legion Legacy Scholarship fund, Arrive in Phoenix safely, and to have fun. Suffice it to say: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
It has been an honor and a pleasure to be your official 'blogger' for the Legacy Run. I hope you enjoyed my posts as much as I enjoyed making them. If you have any suggestions, feedback, or just want to comment, remember you can make a comment below or email me at
Signing off from Phoenix, AZ: Flamingo Tina
Pictures DAY 5
Marilyn Chom's polyester ponytail whips in the breeze as she rides between Gallup, New Mexico and Phoenix, Ariz,. on Day 5 of The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Run. Chow is a member of the Mt. Clemens Legion Post in Michigan.
Thursday, August 21, Gallup, NM to Tempe, AZ
Today's ride started so early because we needed to get into Phoenix before the high heat really hit - - our scheduled arrival time was 12:30 pm.
Dick had promised a really great ride through the Salt River Canyon but I don't think any of us were ready for the gorgeous ride we had. At first we were saying - we got off the Interstate for this? But about 10 miles into the ride the pine trees got more abundant and then the real ride began!
I'm hoping to have a video of the canyon ride tomorrow - just have to get it from a rider I know who was filming...
Group A3 - This one's for you, Don, in Dover. We all missed you!
For now, suffice it to say that I am proud to have ridden with all you Legion Riders from Indianapolis, IN to Tempe, AZ. Can't wait to ride with you again next year!
If you have pictures or a blog that you would like to have posted here, please email me at and I will get it posted.
Signing off from Tempe, AZ: Flamingo Tina
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Warrior Spirit
You guys are doing a wonderful job. I wish I was there with you this year but I am there in spirit!!! Hanging out here in the California Desert getting ready for my 5th Combat Tour coming in the coming months. Hopefully I will get to ride with you next year. Stay safe, and break the record for donations.
Love you all,
MAJ John P. Spanogle
Pictures DAY 4
American Legion Riders roar into the Route 66 Travel Center wast of Albuquerque to refuel for the last time before their Day 4 overnight stop at Gallup, New Mexico.
Cheri Ray takes a little time away from her duties as an advance team member for the Indianapolis to Phoenix American Legion Legacy Run to repair chaps belonging to Bob Swanson, past commander of Omaha, Neb. Post 1. The zipper repair took place at Albuquerque Legion Post 99 whose members hosted lunch for the nearly 200 American legion Riders.
New Mexico State Policemen Eric Jones chats with Dolly Collins at a fuel stop east of Albuquerque. He husband, a member of Fremont, Ind., Post 1 talked Dolly into taking the ride from Indianapolis to Phoenix. Dolly was not in trouble. Numerous New Mexico police department escorted the Legion Riders through The Land of Enchantment.
American legion Rider Dave Adam of Minneapolis Legion Post 1 waits his turn in line at the first fuel stop in New Mexico on Day 4 of The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Run. "Today's sunshine sure beats the rain we fought through on Oklahoma," he said.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, Tucumcari, NM to Gallup, NM
Commander Conatser addressed our Riders meeting at 7:00 am at the Elks Lodge in Tucumcari.
We rode out in 57 degree temperature, overcast skies. The New Mexico roads leave a lot to be desired but the New Mexico law enforcement gives new meaning to 'police support'. Two motorcycle state police rode with us across the entire state!
Post 99 greeted us cheerfully and fed us royally! The food and hospitality were wonderful. Here are pictures of the greeters and the Commander.
Riders Right Hand Salute to New Mexico!!
Signing off: Flamingo Tina from Gallup, NM
ALR Poet Laureate Dan McGuire
Couldn’t sleep last night
Dragged myself out of bed.
Loaded stuff on the B’Mer
The battery was dead.
I stood there quite baffled,
Really, how could it be?
Then I recalled little Eva
Laughing, playing my CD.
I gave the bike a push
Rolled it down the drive
Slowly let the clutch out.
The B’Mer came alive!
It was still quite early,
When I headed for the meet.
Figured I’d get some coffee
A little something to eat.
I was first at Arby’s
Looking for the men.
Is anyone aware
Arby’s opens up at ten?
You’d never guess to hear us,
Shouting, music and horn.
It’d been a half century
Since any of us were born.
Squid was elected our leader,
I’d love to make him stop
Rearranging all the riders
For that first photo op.
We really looked quite organized
A staggered block long chain.
Then our leaders redirected us
By random change of lane.
We lunched in Pennsylvania,
The traffic was a pity.
The roads and lines of travel,
Surely designed by committee.
We left a strong contingent
The long trip a thing of pride
We all felt a bit comfort
On the trailer was not our ride.
The fallen steed is now on trailer
Sympathy to our comrade Jay.
Tomorrow a gang of 11?
Right now I cannot say.
We saw the night’s accommodations
Our expectations were quite low
What the Econolodge delivered
We’d prefer you do not know.
---Dan McGuire, August 15, 2008
More to come! For more blogging content and pictures of the "Reisterstown Riders" and The American Legion Legacy Run, go to the Maryland Post 116 website:
Pictures Day 3

Texas District 18 Legionnaires present a Texas flag to American Legion National Commander Marty Conatser during a lunch hosted by Shamrock, Texas Post 68.

Legion Riders used a number of strategies to stay dry during their ride from Oklahoma City and Tucumcari, New Mexico on Day 3 of their 1,800 mile trip from Indianapolis to Phoenix. Many used hi-tech rain gear. This rider used plastic shopping bags to keep his boots and feet dry.

Waterlogged American Legion Riders arrive for a lunch stop in Shamrock, Texas.

American Legion Riders awoke to a rain on Day 3 of the American Legion Legacy Run. They negotiated highway construction and rain for most of the day as they traveled from Oklahoma City to Tucumcari, New Mexico
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Warrensburg, MO ALR Group Works Gas Stop
Hi Tina,
Just wanted you to know that the Joplin, MO fuel stop was run by ALR Chapter 131 from Warrensburg, Missouri. We left our post at 5:30 am on Monday to make the 180 mile run to Joplin to help out the Legacy Run. 19 bikes made the trip with Old Glory waiving from our bikes...two of our officers ran to Springfield to catch up with the Run at that fuel stop and rode on to Joplin then helped out with that fuel stop. After the fuel stop that I believe only took 20 minutes (I was told the fastest ever) our Chapter presented a check in the amount of $600.00 to the National American Legion Commander as a chapter donation to the Legacy Scholarship Fund.
We ride hundreds of miles each year supporting our Veterans and Military personal and we like to coin our phrase "THIS IS WHAT WE DO! KICKSTANDS UP - LETS RIDE!"
Dave Mudd "Mud"
Missouri ALR Chapter 131, Director
Warrensburg, Missouri
2008 Legacy Run Video Capsule Pt 1
Tuesday, August 19, Oklahoma City, OK to Tucumcari, NM
Robert from Texas was all decked out in his rain gear - - hope you can make out what he says about riding in the rain.
Words to describe today: Wet. Grey. Soup. Cold.
It is hard to describe what it is like putting on rain gear at dawn, packing your bike in the rain, holding the safety briefing in the rain, then riding out of Oklahoma City in the Wet, Grey, Soupy, Cold, Rain.
I think I can speak for all the riders that today bonded us even more with dealing with this weather. The rain held with us through Amarillo, Tx. It was spooky when towering wind generators appeared out of the mist in Western Oklahoma - - they looked like some science fiction creature chopping fog for sport! I wish I had a helmet cam so I could have taken a picture.
The Clinton, OK Post had coffee and doughnuts for us at our first gas stop. What a relief to get out of the rain and drink something hot. I realized I didn't have enough layers on - most people started adding jackets under rain gear and tried not to leave too many puddles at the Post!
Lunch was at Shamrock Tx Post #68. More Bar-B-Q Texas style! At no cost to the Riders. Also, this wonderful Post hosted us at the Valero gas station for free gas for all bikes. Now, folks, there are about 160 bikes at this point and we all took on about 2.5 gallons - - that's a lot of gas and a great donation from this Post for this event. YOU GET A RIDERS RIGHT HAND SALUTE!
Even though it was still raining the food and gas really made us all feel great so we bundled up and rode out of Shamrock heading for our last gas stop in Vega, TX. We were SO happy when we left Amarillo and the rain finally came to an end. The plains of Texas gave way to the dessert of New Mexico and we rode in sunshine for the first time since Tulsa, OK.
The ride from Vega into Tucumcari was so enjoyable because for the first time today we could all relax, enjoy the scenery, and ride like the wind.
Tucumcari ALR Chapter #9 and the Elks Lodge hosted a Mexican dinner that was to die for! Thanks to all the volunteers who cooked and served.
Commander Conatser took donations and as of this evening, donations are at $208,466.00. That includes the $29,713.00 collected this evening alone!
We head to Gallup, NM tomorrow. Kick Stands Up at 7:30 am. The rain tuckered me out!
Signing off: Flamingo Tina, Tucumcari, NM
Althea Peterson, Tulsa World--Great Reporting!