'Big' Dave Adams shares why he rides....
60 degrees. 230+ motorcycles. A common goal...it just don't get any better than this!
0500 am - Breakfast was served at Post 64.
Flight A, Unit 2 Sweep 'Casper' before dawn!
0645 am - Safety Briefing - Group A3
0730 - Kick Stands Up!
I can't take pictures while driving my bike so the exit of the bikes and first gas stops had no pictures. There were no incidents early on and everyone got into the swing of riding in close quarters. We ride with a 2 second interval between you and the bike in front of you. That gives you a 1 second interval between you and the bike to your immediate left or right. It doesn't sound complicated but riding with 230 of your best friends for 377 miles the first day is pretty tiring and keeps everyone on their toes!
The ALR of Missouri fed us in Eureka, MO. Their hospitality is greatly appreciated!
Once we arrived at our destination of St. Robert, MO, Post 331 welcomed us with flag waving, and dinner. Prior to dinner, however, we got to meet Amy Sabalu and her 2 children. Her husband (their father) was killed in Afghanistan in service to his country. If you ever question why we ride this ride and why we are raising this money, just check out the picture of her and her two children - this is why we do it. They will have the benefit of this Scholarship Fund.
Commander Conaster was at a loss for words, as were we all, after meeting Amy and her children and hearing her thank the Riders for doing this Run. Commander of Post 331 Ralph Turner, Frank Grossbeck, 16th District Commander, and Victor Straggliotti, Department of Missouri Commander all welcomed us and helped Commander Conaster receive donations for the Legacy Scholarship Fund.
Did I mention that the Run had already received $70,000.00 in donations as of yesterday and that the Commander had received over $40,000.00 in donations today (before we ever left Post 64 in Indy!!!)??? You ain't seen NOTHIN' Yet!!! Every day Riders, Posts, Districts, and Departments are turning in more donations. One of the Riders even collected $79.00 from people at one of the gas stops (as well as several taxi guys!). Post 331 hosted our dinner and then Riders began making their way back to the hotel to shower, relax, and get ready for tomorrow's ride. We head for Oklahoma City with KSU at 7:30 am.
I can't end the day without mentioning another program within this program. The 'Princess' from Converse Texas (see her picture below) collects soaps, shampoo, mouthwash, etc. that are in the Hotel Rooms that people don't use each day of the run. These sundries are taken to BAMC in San Antonio, TX for long term patients who do not receive personal sundries. Hats off to her for this wonderful cause.
It's 8:00 pm and I'm about to pack it in - we have another fun filled day ahead of us tomorrow and I've got to get some sleep!!
Signing off: Flamingo Tina
You know reading your blogs and seeing everyone involved makes me want to do this run. Maybe next year. This was a great idea for those of us who stayed home. Maybe Mike and I can join you two next year. We'll see.
We'd love you to join us - I'm not sure where they are going to ride next year. Convention is in Louisville which is only 4 hours from Indianapolis!!
We're having a ball!
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